It is helpful, this. Lakes muddle the reflection.
Removing the mask, surely this is all me underneath.
I have no reason to doubt it; it displays what is opposed to it.
Am I focused on the objective demonstration the mirror provides,
or the subjective nature of the self?

...Something new to find inquiry in, it seems.
Stay Tuned! ♥

Recent Activity

3/4/25 - Nothing Yet!

Insomniac Anachrony

After an inexplicable event takes him to a realm far from home, Amaryllis must come to terms with his new position, while holding onto his knightly integrity.

1Prediction Malfunction12/26/24

Celshei Arc

Celshei, a man terrorized by delusions of a life he'd left behind, hopes dearly for a better future, even if he has to mold it from the muds of war.

Series 0 - Prologue


Developed 3/23/21 - 9/10/21
( Display Only! )

          Developed for around six months, this was the first ever playable romp in the Starpier universe. Due to insecurities, confusions, and bated breaths, I refrained from giving the game a proper title. I wasn't sure if "Starpier" was going to be the kind of name that stuck to my mind, or if it was one that I'd merely convinced myself I liked. It's been locked away for as long as I can remember, so there are associations with childishness I've formed. However, I know now, it is the only name that will suit this world best.
          I'd like to show more, but unfortunately, many of the story beats are still accurate between this game, and the new Starpier. Hopefully, these supplementary photos scratch the "Behind The Scenes" itch enough.

The Lovely Little World of Jenny EverGreen!

Uploaded 3/8/22
( Display Only! )

          This was a game that I falsely advertised; I'd told everyone that this was going to be a simple adventure through this woman's life. Of course, this was not the case in the end, and the game actually starred the lovely Jenny enduring the turmoil of The Labyrinth. It was a much shorter narrative than "Story One: Phase 5," but a good learning lesson in more atmospheric titles.
          These are the fake screenshots that I sent out.

       Look at that! I finally have my own website up and running! It only took... what, half a decade?
       Hi, hi, hi! Welcome to my Bubble! If you're here, it's guaranteed that you know who I am. I mean, I had to give you the link to even get in, I'd be shocked if you didn't!
       Maybe you hate me because of the Labyrinth 😜, maybe you've seen my Youtube videos, maybe you even know me through my cool collabs! I was an integral character in The XCU, and nobody's gonna tell me otherwise! ...I helped!!
       Back to the point; this is my Bubble, an outlet for me to put out whatever junk I desire, all in one convenient place. Having a space like this is a long time coming. I wasn't going to just get by, bouncing from platform to platform, all scattered and jangly, like loose change and forgotten car keys.
       With my Bubble, I don't have to go out of my way to bother anymore; I can just upload what I want where I want it! My minion will have to refrain from notifying people over every single addition, but I'm sure that he'll live. Fairly certain.
            Psst!... there may or may not be #easter-eggs and codes strewn about...

This is Cutesy's Bubble!
Welcome to my Bubble!
I love you!

I didn't forget.

I didn't forget.

I didn't forget.

I didn't forget.


1.1 >>> Added "Recent Activity" to Tales & Games, minor size adjustments.
1.0 >>> Now that the website is complete, I can let my wings expand out and send the link to anybody within earshot! There's a new secret for those eager to commit to guesswork, and there will be many many more in the future! Stay tuned, and if you've been given the link to this site, know that I love you!!!
0.0 >>> This was when I purchased the assets to make this site happen.